30 December 2008

so did you go for the walk?

He has the sad eyes and old fashioned taste of someone I would have chosen myself. And for your information, my patience level is not such that it is the greatest stimulus. So fuck your strategy.

so did you go for the walk?

He has the sad eyes and old fashioned taste of someone I would have chosen myself. And for your information, my patience level is not such that it is the greatest stimulus. So fuck your strategy.

19 May 2008

The last summer.

I'm supposed to be growing up. I'm supposed to be having fun in the last few months before we all scatter.

I thought today that I needed to learn to live on my own. I thought that would work, until I realized that I had. That was last summer, and a complete failure.

I have to want to live without you. Until I do, I can't.