23 June 2006


"Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?"

That is one of my favorite quotes from that book. It wasn't quite as good as the rest of Chuck Palahniuks, but I enjoyed it. And wondered for a very long time about that question. I also decided today that I spend altogether too much time thinking and not nearly enough time doing. It frustrates me though, because it seems like everything I want to do has some hindrance that prevents me from actually getting it done. My painting, for example. It took so long for me to even get started because I didn't have the proper materials to paint with without getting irritated because the qualitly of my work just turns out horrible. But I started a painting yesterday, and it's possible I might like it when I'm finished. I just wish that I could come up with something original. I mean, everyone tells me that I'm so good and it's partially just flattery and all, but they just don't seem to understand when I say that it only feels like art to me when it's CREATED, not copied.

Slghdslgsdg. Did I mention I hate working?

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