06 November 2006

Miss Rona has a point:

"..to find true happiness, you have to risk being completely cut open." - Invisible Monsters

This is true. But life is a lot easier, a lot less stressful, if you never have to worry, because you don't commit to anything that lacks a definite outcome.

If you're never sad, because you don't chase after anything when the possibility of failure exists.

If you always think before you speak, because vocalizing your true feelings might have consequences.

If you never question anything, because you're afraid there might not be answers.

If you give up on things before you start, because they seem impossible and unreachable.

If you don't dream, because you don't want to wake up and face reality.

But guess what, that's not really living

I think fear dictates too much in people's lives. Mine included. I hate being afraid. I hate taking risks. But sometimes still I just fucking crash into things headfirst,without analyzing, without planning, just feeling. I've done some things like that lately, and made some decisions that quite honestly scare the hell out of me. But I'm okay with that. I wouldn't change a thing.

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