25 December 2006


Ohhh, a christmas full of apathy and pessimism.

From my job, I was given a healthy dislike for the commercialism of this ridiculous country, for the tremendous value everyone places on money and material things, and finally, the fact that this holiday turns people that would normally be semi-reasonable into fucking obnoxious five-year-olds.

From my family, I was given the real-life lesson that marriage is just some words on a certificate and a symbolic ring - something I will probably not ever partake in.

From religion - I was given the ability to question what I've been taught as truth. Always.

From my friends, I mostly just got a lot of bullshit.

From this state, well, I suppose it would be considered a joint gift to myself and the rest of the people in this county or surrounding area, but whatever - I was given lots of ice on the roads, and a car that won't start properly and spits out smoke. I got fifteen layers of clothes and some cold weather that penetrates my walls and spirits - winter doesn't exactly foster happy feelings for me.

From school, I have recieved thus far a half-assed education from a lot of teachers that really don't even want to be there. For example, my math teacher, who teaches so he can coach our losing basketball team. Props to the public school system! There are a few exceptions though, I guess.

From the male sex this year, I got lots of answering machines and long drives home. I got a heart that's a little bit beaten up and a large dose of cynicism.

I do not know why I am in such a horrible mood right now. Yeah, Christmas.

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