02 July 2007

Pain is forever.

"Why can't you just say what you mean?" I ask you and I'm sure you're thinking, "Why can't you, you mean?"

Well, it's kind of hard when I'm high and sleepy and far too emotional - but I'm sure you didn't realize, do you ever? - and you use big words. It's kind of hard when your metaphors don't quite connect. It's hard when the music playing somewhere in my head is fitting with my garbled sentances much too perfectly. (I had to remind myself that texting lyrics is kind of cliche, you know?) It's a mess.

I don't even know you.

No, I don't think I know myself anymore. This summer is awkward, it's a transition that no one wants to be making. We're growing up, growing away from this little town, and each other.

Was it something I did wrong?
Was it something I did wrong?

Roses fade, guys.

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