06 July 2007

These have not been my favorite days.

I think the most prevalent reason I don't trust anyone is - not to sound conceited - that I'm an excellent liar. Because of this, I simply find it hard to believe that everyone else does. Tell the truth, that is.

This is not a good habitual way of thinking to adhere to. I'd advise against it strongly. If you're still naive, stay that way as long as you can.

04 July 2007

Happy Fourth?

"...Human kind/Cannot bear very much reality."

Eliot, you are very much correct. I'm sorry I won't continue to read your quartets tonight.. I'm entrenched in this half-lucid, not quite waking state, which doesn't really allow for much to be taken from complex poetry. I really need to wake the fuck up, though. I've been like this all day - all week, really - and it isn't getting better.

My brain just keeps shooting off on these tangents, not analogous like the fireworks I didn't see, but rather fragments of insidious, isolated unease that isn't affecting me too badly now, but I'm sure that will return at some later date and attack with loneliness at full force.

Fix me.

Please come home. I can't handle this anymore. (Home is where the heart is, remember, it's still on my shelf.)

02 July 2007


I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
No, fuck that, I don't even know what I'm looking for.

Pain is forever.

"Why can't you just say what you mean?" I ask you and I'm sure you're thinking, "Why can't you, you mean?"

Well, it's kind of hard when I'm high and sleepy and far too emotional - but I'm sure you didn't realize, do you ever? - and you use big words. It's kind of hard when your metaphors don't quite connect. It's hard when the music playing somewhere in my head is fitting with my garbled sentances much too perfectly. (I had to remind myself that texting lyrics is kind of cliche, you know?) It's a mess.

I don't even know you.

No, I don't think I know myself anymore. This summer is awkward, it's a transition that no one wants to be making. We're growing up, growing away from this little town, and each other.

Was it something I did wrong?
Was it something I did wrong?

Roses fade, guys.