26 November 2007

Sleep wins.

Shut your eyes, tightly. When you open them - for the moment when your vision blurs - the white lights are hazy and beautiful. I've wanted to sleep under the Christmas tree for a few nights already, but for now, sensibility, and also (mostly) the fact that my neck is already royally fucked is what's holding me back.

"Tonight will be the only night of my life I've ever wished for snow?" Come on, Kelsey.

It's funny, isn't it, how grown-up you can pretend to be, or think you are, but when it comes down to it.. all it takes are a few words and you're back to hoping with all of your heart that those simple melodies are true.

I have approximately one page left of my history paper, and at least two for psych. It is twelve forty-six a.m. I also have to take a quiz, and do a discussion board. My options are: get off of here and do it now - at least the history and the quiz - or wake up at like.. five-thirty. Or wake up at six-thirty and go like an hour late to class.. probably the most likely option, hah. I am very efficient when I have like twenty minutes to accomplish something.

Really though, when I am choosing between five and six-thirty, I need to work on my time management.

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